而google表單其實可以透過fetch等發送HTTP Request 方式來傳出表單資料
所以除了用 fetch或Jquery的Ajax等方式之外,也可以用 <form>製作表單
可以取得HTTP Request網址與參數
備註:這個連結要將viewform改成formResponse,這個可以在下面的HTTP Request目標網址中看到
再透過F12功能鍵開啟開發者工具,配合檢查表單欄位來找出google表單是如何發出HTTP Request
1. HTTP Request目標網址
2. HTTP Request的方式
3.從「預先填寫表單」功能取得 HTTP Request接收的資料欄位名稱,以及各種題目所攜帶資料的方式
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/6.6.0/css/all.min.css" /> <div id="formAll"> <div id="formOne"> <!-- SINGLE LINE TEXT FIELD --> <div id="manInfo"> <p><label for="man">填表人</label></p> <p><input name="man" type="text" id="man" placeholder="姓名" /><input name="ser" type="text" id="ser" placeholder="服務單位" /><input name="mail" type="text" id="mail" placeholder="電子信箱"/><input name="phone" type="text" id="phone" placeholder="連絡電話"/></p> </div> <!-- MULTI-LINE TEXT FIELD --> <p><label for="member">社群成員</label><button type="button" id="addButton"><i class="fa-solid fa-square-plus fa-2x" title="新增成員"></i></button></p> <div id="fieldContainer"> </div> <p><label for="question">背景描述</label></p> <h5>可以描述學校學生普遍學習情況、家庭環境、學校學區特性等面向;亦可描述未來課程研發完成後適用的目標學生之學習困境、優勢能力或潛力等面向。</h5> <p><textarea name="question" id="question"></textarea></p> <p><label>學科知識內涵</label> <h5>規劃發展的學習扶助課程將涵蓋或應用的基礎學科知識範疇。</h5> <div id="sub"> <input type="checkbox" id="chinese" value="國語文" /> <label for="chinese">國語文</label> <input type="checkbox" id="english" value="英語文" /> <label for="english">英語文</label> <input type="checkbox" id="math" value="數學" /> <label for="math">數學</label> </div> <p><label for="goal">設計理念與構想</label></p> <h5>教師團隊評估可以嘗試發展之課程內容構想。</h5> <p><textarea name="goal" id="goal"></textarea></p> <p><label for="context">課程發展上的疑問或預期的教學挑戰</label></p> <h5>例如:教師團隊評估嘗試發展之課程內容,學生在這方面的學習有什麼難處?</h5> <p><textarea name="context" id="context"></textarea></p> <!-- SUBMIT BUTTON --> <p><input type="button" value="送出" id="sender"><input type="button" value="清除" id="cleaner"></p> </div> <div id="doneShow"> <h3>已送出</h3> </div> </div> |
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#formAll { width: 800px; height: 1000px; position: absolute; top: 10%; left: 50%; margin: 0 0 0 -400px; } #manInfo { margin-bottom: 5px; } #manInfo input{ margin: 2px 0 2px 2px; } #doneShow { border: solid; display:none; text-align:center; } button { margin: 0 0 0 2px; padding: 0; background-color:white !important; border: 0 !important; //自定义边框 //outline: none; //消除默认点击蓝色边框效果 } textarea { width: 530px; height: 100px; } .field-container *{ margin: 2px 0 2px 2px; } .field-container { border-bottom: 1px solid; margin-bottom: 5px; } input[type="button"] { margin: 0 0 0 5px; padding: 0; background-color:white !important; //border: 0 !important; //自定义边框 //outline: none; //消除默认点击蓝色边框效果 } .alertSpan { color: red; margin: 0 0 0 5px; } |
此外還在Html引入font-awesome的樣式,用來呈現社群成員的「+」「-」 符號
<i class=”fa-solid fa-square-plus fa-2x” </i>
<i class=”fa-solid fa-square-minus fa-2x”>
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document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () { const fieldContainer = document.getElementById("fieldContainer"); const addButton = document.getElementById("addButton"); const sendButton = document.getElementById("sender"); const cleButton = document.getElementById("cleaner"); addButton.addEventListener("click", function () { addField(); }); sendButton.addEventListener("click", function () { var result = checkDate(); console.log(result); if(result){ console.log("check ok!!"); postToGoogle(); }else{ console.log("check error!!"); alert("check error!!"); return false; } // }); cleButton.addEventListener("click", function () { cleInput(); }); //DOMContentLoaded end //****************************************************function addField() function addField() { // Create a new div to hold the input and remove button const div = document.createElement("div"); div.classList.add("field-container"); // Create the input field const input1 = document.createElement("input"); input1.type = "text"; 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removeField(this.parentElement); }); // Append the input and remove button to the div div.appendChild(input1); div.appendChild(input2); div.appendChild(input3); div.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); //div.appendChild(input4); div.appendChild(labelTh); div.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); div.appendChild(labelSub); //div.appendChild(inputCh1); div.appendChild(labelCh1); //div.appendChild(inputEn2); div.appendChild(labelEn2); //div.appendChild(inputMa3); div.appendChild(labelMa3); div.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); div.appendChild(labelCr); div.appendChild(inputT1); div.appendChild(removeButton); // Append the div to the field container fieldContainer.appendChild(div); } //function addField() end //****************************************************function removeField(div) function removeField(div) { //console.log(div); var result = confirm("是否確定刪除?"); if (result === true) { fieldContainer.removeChild(div); console.log("User clicked OK"); } else { console.log("User clicked Cancel"); 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}else if(mail.search(emailRule)== -1 ){ checkCode = false; var alertSpanMail = document.createElement("span"); alertSpanMail.className = "alertSpan"; alertSpanMail.innerHTML = "電子信箱格式不正確!!"; document.querySelector('label[for="man"]').appendChild(alertSpanMail); } // var memberAll = document.querySelectorAll(".field-container"); //console.log(memberAll.length); if (memberAll.length == 0) { checkCode = false; var alertSpan3 = document.createElement("span"); alertSpan3.className = "alertSpan"; alertSpan3.innerHTML = "未填寫!!"; document.querySelector('label[for="member"]').appendChild(alertSpan3); //console.log("memberAll"); } for (var n = 0; n < memberAll.length; n++) { var m1 = document.getElementsByClassName("dynamicName")[n].value; var m2 = document.getElementsByClassName("dynamicSer")[n].value; var m3 = document.getElementsByClassName("dynamicSub")[n].value; // if (m1 == "" || m2 == "" || m3 == "") { checkCode = false; var alertSpan3m = document.createElement("span"); alertSpan3m.className = "alertSpan"; alertSpan3m.innerHTML = "有缺漏!!,無資料請填寫「無」或整筆刪除。"; document .querySelector('div[class="field-container"]') .appendChild(alertSpan3m); console.log("member"); } // }// for n end // var question = document.getElementById("question").value; if (question == "") { checkCode = false; var alertSpan4 = document.createElement("span"); alertSpan4.className = "alertSpan"; alertSpan4.innerHTML = "未填寫!!"; document.querySelector('label[for="question"]').appendChild(alertSpan4); //console.log("question"); } // var goal = document.getElementById("goal").value; if (goal == "") { checkCode = false; var alertSpan5 = document.createElement("span"); alertSpan5.className = "alertSpan"; alertSpan5.innerHTML = "未填寫!!"; document.querySelector('label[for="goal"]').appendChild(alertSpan5); //console.log("goal"); } // var context = document.getElementById("context").value; if (context == "") { checkCode = false; var alertSpan6 = document.createElement("span"); alertSpan6.className = "alertSpan"; alertSpan6.innerHTML = "未填寫!!"; document.querySelector('label[for="context"]').appendChild(alertSpan6); //console.log("context"); } return checkCode; } //function checkDate() end //***************************************************function postToGoogle() function postToGoogle() { var man = document.getElementById("man").value; //console.log(man); var ser = document.getElementById("ser").value; var mail = document.getElementById("mail").value; var phone = document.getElementById("phone").value; var memberAll = document.querySelectorAll(".field-container"); //console.log(memberAll.length); var member = ""; for (var n = 0; n < memberAll.length; n++) { var m1 = document.getElementsByClassName("dynamicName")[n].value; var m2 = document.getElementsByClassName("dynamicSer")[n].value; var m3 = document.getElementsByClassName("dynamicSub")[n].value; var m4 = document.getElementsByClassName("dynamicT")[n]; var m4Str=""; if(m4.checked ==true){ m4Str="是" }else{ m4Str="不是" } var m5 = document.getElementsByClassName("dynamicCh1")[n]; 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//console.log(context); const url ="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/********************************************************/formResponse"; let headers = { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" }; let body = new URLSearchParams({ "entry.1828511335":man, "entry.1917575556":ser, "entry.63664357":mail, "entry.2045497083":phone, "entry.1601171938":member, "entry.155393842":question, "entry.2099781610":goal, "entry.2095623174":context }); for(var i =0 ; i < subAll.length ; i++){ if(subAll[i] != ""){ body.append("entry.1309221649",subAll[i]); } } // fetch(url, { method: "POST", headers: headers, mode: "no-cors", //******************************重要 因為預期會有cors error ,這樣才會取得status = 0 body: body }) .then((response) => { console.log("response.status =", response.status); document.getElementById("formOne").style.display="none"; document.getElementById("doneShow").style.display="block"; }) .catch((error) => { // 當初出現錯誤時跑 catch console.error("Error:", error.message); }); // fetch end }//function postToGoogle() end //***************************************************function cleInput() function cleInput() { var inputs = document.querySelectorAll("input[type='text']"); 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